Monday, February 16, 11AM.
We are leaving the States and returning to what D calls “the sand box.” Leaving our little place on the beach is no easy task. We put our convertible in storage with our golf clubs, cover the other car and anchor it down so the wind can’t blow it off, pack up all our gear/clothes/personal items, empty the pantry and the refrigerator, pick up the rental car to drive to Orlando to catch our flight, and pack up the meals I had stored in my freezer for BHB (I had been cooking meals to leave for her).
And, to make it more difficult, we have to leave BHB and LW. We are not sure when we will be back. (tears)
11:00AM -- The day started early and after a bit of stress on my part, we finally left the beach and headed to BHB and RB’s house to say our goodbyes. The weather was absolutely perfect, just beautiful. It was a nice drive.
I have my roses from D and my orchid from the condo in my lap so the car smells like flowers. They smell so good even though I know I am leaving.
When we arrive at BHB and RB’s house, little LW is sleeping but that didn’t last long as the dog barked when we arrived. We spend a few minutes kissing and hugging LW, and then we are on our way.
Sadly, BHB had tears in her eyes as we were leaving. D was very upset by this.
It is about this time – 3 weeks – that is all starts to wear a new mom down. I was prepared, but D wasn’t. Seeing his little girl in tears was not a fun experience. I offered once again to cancel my flight and stay but she insisted I go on.
3 weeks of night feedings, fussy evenings, sore tummy from the surgery and mom hovering over your every move. It has to get a girl down.
I know that things will be better soon, but in that moment, it broke my heart. When we drove away, I was in tears.
We finally boarded our plane and left Orlando landing in snowy Washington, DC.
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While in flight from Orlando to Washington, I was watching the weather. I was nervous. |
BHB was trying to go down for a nap and she assured me she was fine and doing good. I should go ahead and leave.
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Great snacks at a wine bar in the Dulles Airport while D worked (as normal). |
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Later, another glass of wine in the United Club. Time was dragging. . . . |
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Sleeping like a baby? I think he misses me. I miss him! |
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Flights were being canceled -- red was showing up all over the status board. |
11:45PM -- We boarded and finally settled in. But the fun was not over. The plane had to go through deicing and there was a long line of planes waiting. We took our place in line and waited.
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My flight path view never moved from this stage. |
1:45AM -- The pilot informed us we had exceeded the time allowed for the crew and we would be returning to the terminal.
The flight was canceled because it was taking too long to deice.
I immediately turned to D and urged him to get on his phone and find a hotel room. It might be a problem with all the flights that were being canceled. Luckily we were able to book a room at one of the chain type hotels close to the airport.
After we left and plane, we walked through an empty Dulles Airport. At the train platform, I was sure the train was not running. It was dark and no information on any of the boards. We stood there for several minutes with a whole group of fellow stranded travelers. Finally a train arrived that apparently had been sent just for us.
D made his way to the ticket counter and was able to be at the front of the line to get another flight. About 200 people filed in behind him. I just sat on a ledge and tried to keep my eyes open.
Sitting next to me was an Arab woman from our flight who asks me where the airlines might get us rooms. I felt bad telling her that they don’t do that anymore if the cancelation is due to weather. She was crushed.
2:45AM -- Finally D had our flights secure leaving in 2 days! Tuesday and Wednesday in snowy Washington, DC. Oh my, what fun!
No coat. No boots. No sweater. No clothes. No toiletries. No fun.
Our evening was not over yet. When we went to the taxi stand at the airport, there were no taxis. The attendant called and tried to find one for us. After several really cold, worried minutes we had a taxi.
3:30AM -- The hotel was close but not really anything to get excited about. We were glad to have a bed and a roof. Unfortunately, what we did not count on was not having heat.
The room was cold. We turned the thermostat up, but no heat. Hoping it would warm up, we fell into bed. It was cold. It stayed cold. The heater was actually blowing very cold air.
4:30AM – D finally called down to the desk and requested a new room. The manager came up and adjusted the thermostat and assured us the heat will come on.
5:30AM – Still cold, D goes down to the desk and requests a new room. We move to the warm new room and fall into the bed.
8:45AM – I am up unable to sleep.
9:10AM – We go to the lobby to see what the “hot breakfast” includes. There are kids running all over the place and none of them are speaking English. I feel like I have arrived back in Manama. But the breakfast is hot and feels good in our stomach.
The last meal we had was lunch yesterday in the food court of the Orlando airport.
Our plan is to go shopping for a few pieces of clothing. We did not get our luggage returned so all we have is what we were wearing.
Our friend who lives here in Washington, ES has already invited us to join her for dinner. Her husband SS, is off hunting. I just hope it is warm where he is. I don’t have a coat, heavy shoes or heavy clothes. I am cold.
On my phone it says it is 13 degrees here. It is 65 in Vero Beach and 70 in Manama. Oh, how I wish I were in either one of those places.
I wonder how LW slept last night?
Cheers (I think),