Monday, December 14, 2020
Early Christmas
Monday, November 16, 2020
Groundbreaking (cutting the sod) at Suntree Country Club
Suntree Country Club was founded in 1975 by a handful of Brevard County, Florida visionaries. I am not sure how many of the original founders still belong to the club, but I know some do. I actually played golf with one amazing woman two years ago. She was in her 90’s and she shot a 96 on the golf course. AMAZING!
Currently we have over 1,000 members, and our golf memberships have a waiting list.
What makes Suntree so very special? The people and the community. The caring staff and the friendly nature of everyone around the club. We have a strong Board of Directors and many actively involved members on committees and sub committees.
And, yes we have a few alligators on the course. But they don't like to play golf. |
Not only do we enjoy the sport of golf and tennis, but we all join together for fun with our activities such as special dinners, dances, contests like Trivia Nights and Name That Tune, book clubs, exercise groups, card groups, kid’s camps. Most Friday nights you find the pool busy with kids swimming, and moms and dads listening to music, enjoying the evening.
Here is Hubby D at a special event on the pool deck at sunset. |
We all enjoy special holidays together with dinners and dances. We share in the festive spirit helping to decorate and dress up Suntree during special times.
The ladies especially love getting into the spirit of ANY holiday or one of their many golf tournaments.
This group was the "Suntree Spirits" at the annual Halloween Tournament. |
The Groundbreaking Ceremony day started with rain but by show time, the sky cleared, and sun was shining. The ceremony went off without any glitzes and was very elegant. I ran the committee that planned the event, and I was nervous at the beginning, but after a while, I joined in the fun. It was GREAT!
The construction company, Hedrick Brothers Construction, had a special face mask made for our groundbreaking. |
And then it was time for "shovels in the dirt." |
After the champagne toast, Hubby D and I posed for this photo on the backhoe. |
We all feel fortunate to have such a great place where we can join together to enjoy life here in Florida and even during this COVID crisis, we can play so much golf. This new clubhouse will be a great addition to the Suntree community, as well as give our Suntree Country Club members a superior club experience. It’s going to be great . . . and along the construction path, we will have many great celebrations . . . The Topping Out … The Ribbon Cutting.
The party was over, but the work has just begun! |
I can see many parties in my future, I am truly a lucky woman with so many great friends.
Brenda Hyde
P.S. We received this photo after the blog was published and I want to include it. LOL
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
North Carolina is really COOL!
After six months of working from home, Hubby D finally needed a break. Yes, the view is nice from our family room looking out on the golf course but spending 24/7 in the same location was wearing thin. AND, August can be brutally hot and humid in Florida.
We had been thinking about a mountain trip for a couple of years and decided the time was right. For our mountain escape, I booked a wonderful cabin for two weeks in the mountains of North Carolina just east of Asheville. The cabin was located close to the town of Black Mountain.The night before we left for North Carolina, we had a very unusual sunset after a big rain storm. It was stunning.
On the way, the traffic was much heavier than we expected.
Our first view of the mountains was exciting.
When we made it to Asheville, we had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe. I had Alligator Jambalaya. Who would have thought I would drive to North Carolina and eat alligator.
The views from the back deck of the cabin were fantastic. There was an outdoor fireplace and a hot tub. The house was not overly big and that was just perfect for Hubby D and myself. It was a good choice.
For those of you are not golfers, typically you play “scatter” which means you can drive your golf cart right up to your ball (except when you are on the green). But sometimes the ground is too wet, and the golf course designates you can only drive your cart on the path. Then you have to park and walk to your ball from the cart path. This is known as “cart path only.” When you are playing in the mountains you might have to walk down a very steep hill and then up a very steep hill to get to your ball. Occasionally it is very hard, and it does make for a lot of hard walking.
Almost all of our golf in North Carolina was played “cart path only.” My knee got a really big workout.
At Maggie Valley we saw this bear.
FT and CT had a bear visit them at their cabin.
And, DP and SP had a bear visit them on their back deck.
The black bears are all over the area. One morning our outside trash can was laying down and Hubby D stopped to pick it up. A neighbor walking down the road said he saw a bear running away with our entire bag of trash. I wish I could have seen that ... or maybe not.

Our first morning home, the early morning temperature was 82 degrees which was the high for Black Mountain that day. Oh well, after all it is Florida.