Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Love to Party

There has been some discussion on the mom’s social network about when you should stop having birthday parties for kids.

Maybe I am different, but for all four of my children I threw a birthday party every year. Certainly if your family tradition is to not do this, it is not something every one does. However I do believe that you should celebrate a child's age because it is a way of telling them you are proud of how they are growing up.

We had some wonderful birthday parties over the years. On my middle daughter's 13th birthday (Dec. 20) we did a scavenger hunt at the mall. The girls (we invited 13) LOVED it. Then we had cake and hamburgers in the food court. It was really fun. And, she remembers it vividly.

Now, my own kids are older (you all probably know this) but I do have three grandkids and we still have parties. But when my youngest turned 21 her dad and I took her and a friend to New York City and went dancing. She asked for this when she was 12 and it was a great experience.

This year my husband and I are going to go spend her birthday with her (she lives in Florida now). She is just thrilled.

My managing editor's parents come to see her every year on her birthday. It is their tradition.

I believe that no matter how you celebrate (or just send a pretty card) it is important to recognize the significance of a birthday. This also builds self esteem and helps you bond with your child and can be very helpful in developing a relationship with step children.

Need ideas for parties? I can help. Experience comes in handy sometimes.

You can also go to our web site for a fantastic list of party resources—

We also have several articles about parties and ideas for party themes on our web site as well. I did a search for the word PARTY and 27 came up for information.

Or you can ask me. I love birthday parties.


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