Having a new or different experience is always fun. I have been blessed to do a lot in my life so sometimes new and different doesn’t come along very often.
This past weekend we had a great time with friends and it was definitely new and different.
Our good friends DW and SW celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on their ranch near La Grange, Texas. You might remember them from my blogs from Bahrain. They lived in the same building with us and SW worked with Hubby D in Saudi Arabia.
Our experience in the Middle East really helped to deepen our friendship and this weekend reminded me of all the great fun we had together in Bahrain.
Their ranch has limited bedrooms so they reserved rooms for their guests at the local hotels. DW also told us if we wanted to drive a RV to the ranch we could hook up at the well house. I really thought that would be a great idea. Locate our bedroom close to the action and experience the ranch up close. As it turned out the idea proved to be brilliant.
This was our first time driving a RV. |
We flew from Florida to Houston and picked up a small camper there. This was the first time we have ever driven ourselves anywhere in a RV.
At the ranch SW helped us level the camper with jacks and plug into water and power at the well house. It was just down the hill from his “workshop.”
The workshop turned out to be a huge building filled with antique cars, motorcycles and other transportation memorabilia. He has a great collection. The workshop also has a huge bar and big screen TV. It is the ultimate man cave.
One of his cars was a very unique Rolls Royce. |
Hubby D put together heaters to help keep the crowd warm in the workshop. |
ES was our grill master. HE WAS AMAZING!!!!! |
Their home on the ranch is located about a mile and a half from the workshop and sits on a beautiful lake. They call the house their “guest house” and plan to build another home up on a bluff overlooking the lake. It is a beautiful area and just stunning!
SW and DW in their all terrain vehicle. |
The first day SW gave us a tour in his all terrain vehicle. It reminded me of our jeep in Africa – open-air seating and a powerful engine to go up and down steep, rocky roads. We saw deer and signs of many other animals including coyotes.
This first day we helped get ready for the party. DW had it all planned out and we just had to follow her lead. This was really fun!
We had one unwanted visitor. Remember this is a ranch in Texas. |
This is a dinosaur bone found in the County of Lafayette, where the ranch is located. |
The party was awesome and we met some great people. SW and DW have terrific friends of all kinds.
The fire pit was very popular. |
There were many unique places to sit around the party area. |
The party started and ES was still grilling, cutting and preparing all the meat. IT WAS AMAZINGLY GREAT!!!!! |
The party goers watched the World Series and rooted for the Astros. |
SW had fun hanging his new portrait of one of his favorite (?) politicians. |
There were even some party "animals." |
Oh, how sweet. SW and DW, the adorable couple of the party! |
Several of our friends from Bahrain were also at the party. WOW! This is great fun!
It was a reunion of the Bahrain Wive's Club. |
And, Bahrain hubbies! |
DW's mom joined the party but needed to leave early. Bye Mom! |
The day after the party we helped pick up a bit and wash dishes, dishes and more dishes. There were plenty of leftovers and we spent the evening watching the Houston Astros play in the World Series.
ND washed, cleaned and then washed some more. |
Even the leftovers were awesome! |
On Monday we were on the move back to Florida.
On our way out of the ranch, SW held the gate open for us. It is a wonderful gate and one that he designed while in Bahrain. Hubby D had a part in the structural design. It was a great site to look back and see SW at the gate waving goodbye. What a great end to a fabulous weekend.
As we neared Houston we looked for someplace to fill the gas tank of the RV. They have this station that is more like a “road side destination.” Buc-ees. They say everything is bigger in Texas.
This was the biggest gas station I have ever seen! |
They even had grocery carts inside. |
This was just the popcorn isle. |
When we made it through security and headed to our gate, I finally has some Tex-Mex.
It was quite a trip! Thanks to DW and SW for such a unique experience and some great memories!
A great BIG thanks to DW and SW for a terrific time in Texas. It certainly will be a BIG memory! |
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