Happy New Year.
Hopefully 2015 is off to a great start for you. It certainly is for me.
Yesterday was the BIG BABY SHOWER for BHB. Her baby (little LWB – our grandson) is due 2 weeks from tomorrow. Time does fly!
I missed making a photo of the hotel signs for our parties during BHB's wedding so I was determined to get a shot of this sign in the hotel lobby. |
The shower was fantastic. MM (BHB's boss) and I co-hosted it together. D and I are still trying to talk BHB out of going back to work after the baby arrives, but she is determined to return to work for MM. If she works, I can’t imagine a better place or a better boss than MM. She is a great boss and almost as family friendly as I was at the magazine. MM is also the nicest lawyer I have ever met.
Is BHB really almost 9 months pregnant? |
The venue (Cobalt Restaurant at Vero Beach Hotel) was lovely, the decorations adorable, the food yummy, the company fantastic, and the gifts over the top.
The view from the room where we held the shower was fantastic. |
The food was great. We also had custom made fruit smoothies. Everything was fantastic. |
We used toys as table decorations. The pearls are a reminder of BHB's wedding. They came from our New Year's celebration in Kiawah Island just a few days ago. |
The cake was blue, OF COURSE! |
My oldest daughter AJ drove in from Jacksonville the night before to enjoy the fun and give me an extra hand at the shower. We stayed up way too late the night before playing chicken foot dominoes, my moms favorite holiday "around the table" game.
AJ and I had fun getting ready for the big shower. It was great she could drive down. |
My granddaughter ML and her best friend JB were both here as well. ML spends time at Christmas with us every year. This year she is a freshman in college studying engineering (of course) at the University of Oklahoma. ML is coming to the Middle East for Spring Break in March. We can’t wait.
ML and JB were very sweet to help with the decorations. They were very creative. However, I think they would have been much happier out on the beach with the other college kids on winter break. |
ML and JB took over helping me to decorate. They did a terrific (very creative) job and the room transformed into an elegant party. The wall facing the ocean was all glass so we had the waves on one side and a wall full of gifts on the other side. It was really very nice.
Our guests enjoying BHB opening her gifts. |
My very good friend ES gave Brittany a wonderful "under the sea" night light and a sea puzzle. The puzzle received one of the best “oooo’s” of the event.
Even the paper on the night light was cute. |
BHB’s boss, MM gave her a terrific travel play yard that she can use when she goes back to work and takes the little baby with her.
A good friend of mine in Bahrain, DW knitted the baby a special blanket. Everyone passed it around so they could touch it. It is amazingly soft. Really amazing. And, of course, blue!
The younger "ladies" at the shower helped out with the gifts. |
Just as the party was getting started, D sent me a text saying he had landed in Kuwait City and was almost home back to Manama, Bahrain. I put him on a plane the day before and he was heading back to work after a great Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
We took this quick shot of ourselves just before we played the Ocean Course on Kiawah Island. |
Although he would have loved to attend the shower, work in the ME is important and keeping the momentum running high is his priority. I will be staying in Florida at our new condo waiting for the little baby to arrive.
The party was over and the guests all gone. But the big arrival of the baby is still to come. |
BHB's car was stuffed with goodies. |
It looked like all the gifts might not fit in the car, but with help from the hotel staff and friends, we were able to get it in. |
Now the countdown begins. Only 14 more days (maybe) before the newest member of our family arrives! I can not wait. I love being a grandmother and BHB is a great mom.
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